Friday, April 27, 2012

1. Wear a girl wig

Buy a girl wing as it matches with your skin color. Choose a middle long one because for a girl (boy), too long or too short wings are unsuitable.  

2. Make some breasts

Two paper conglomeration and a bra is enough for this. Make sure to keep the size in normal, if not you’ll get more attraction of boys (Lol).  

3. Wear earrings

Buy little big tinsel and adjustable (because you don’t have earring slots) type pair of earrings.  

4. Wear girly clothes

Better if you can take the help of real girl who doesn’t spill the beans.

 5. Adjust a girly voice

You need to practice it. Naturally, the frequency of female voice is higher than male voice. So, you have to practice a new voice in high frequencies. Perhaps, it won’t be a big matter if you’re between 5 – 12 ages because there’s no big difference between mail and female voice for those ages.  

6. Practice some ‘girlish’ actions

Follow a girl or (s) to check that how does her face change according to different excitements like smile, laugh, frown, anger, irritation, sadness, cry, astir………  

7. Follow a girl or (s) to practice girlish styles such as walking, eating, drinking……

Ok, go to girls and test the success by yourself. Don’t go to talk with any one first. Move by them and check that how do they look at you. If their actions are normal, congratulations! Your metamorphosis is pretty good. Go ahead………………..  

Important: How faster can you R-U-N (When the girls find out that she’s a boy?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

1. No matter at all,  everything is fine - Things are going under no control.

2. You are too good for me, you deserve someone better - She needs more.

3. I don't want a boyfriend – She asks some time to think.

4. You're the biggest I've ever had - You aren't the biggest.

5. It was great, really – The truth is it was greatest.

6. I’ll call you - I can't do an outright rejection.

7. I never drink this much - I'm not a drinker, you should mind it.

8. I’m pregnant – She tells, be careful in next time.

9. I’ve never done this before - I was failed.

10. I’ve only had sex with, like, 2 guys - Sorry, you’re only one of the guys.

11. It doesn’t bother me if you look at other women - She needs to tell the opposite.

12. It wasn’t that expensive – She needs to buy it however.

13. He’s just my friend - The extra word "boy" is on waiting list.

14. I won’t get mad if you say I look fat in this - You've told something very wrong.

15. Your friends are great! I don’t mind if they come over - A bomb against friends will be coming soon.