Thursday, April 26, 2012

Popular Lies Women Tell A Men And Truths

1. No matter at all,  everything is fine - Things are going under no control.

2. You are too good for me, you deserve someone better - She needs more.

3. I don't want a boyfriend – She asks some time to think.

4. You're the biggest I've ever had - You aren't the biggest.

5. It was great, really – The truth is it was greatest.

6. I’ll call you - I can't do an outright rejection.

7. I never drink this much - I'm not a drinker, you should mind it.

8. I’m pregnant – She tells, be careful in next time.

9. I’ve never done this before - I was failed.

10. I’ve only had sex with, like, 2 guys - Sorry, you’re only one of the guys.

11. It doesn’t bother me if you look at other women - She needs to tell the opposite.

12. It wasn’t that expensive – She needs to buy it however.

13. He’s just my friend - The extra word "boy" is on waiting list.

14. I won’t get mad if you say I look fat in this - You've told something very wrong.

15. Your friends are great! I don’t mind if they come over - A bomb against friends will be coming soon.

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