Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Self-Motivation Is The Key to Finishing What You Start

Successful people all have one thing in common - they are all extremely motivated to reach their goals because it takes a very strong personal drive to do what is hard in life and to be the best in your field. Self-Motivation is key to overcoming whatever obstacles lie between us and what we want in life. Here are my top 10 tips on how to overcome your own self doubt and be as successful as you can be.

This is the first of a two part series each highlighting five tips about how to improve your self-motivation and why it is important.

1. Set Your Goal
Step one in getting motivated is to set your goal. The more specific and detailed you are, the better! Don't just say, "I want to run my own business", specify what type of business, how much you want to turnover, where you'll be based how you'll recruit people. If you want to lose weight, then what is your target weight, what dress size, how many pounds do you need to lose? The more details you have, the more real you can make your goal!

2. Do Some Research.
Now you have detailed what you want to achieve it's time to find out some more about how you can actually achieve it. Make sure your goals are realistic, so if you want to lose weight check that the goal weight you have chosen is a healthy weight for you. If the goal you have set is to get a promotion or a new job, then how do you make sure that you are best placed for that next step; do you need to do any qualifications or training?

You might need to get resources in place to help you reach your goal, like buying new trainers if your goal is to run a marathon, or a new laptop if your goal is to start a blog.

3. Set a Timetable
From your research, you should have identified exactly what achieving your goal entails. The next step is to plan out how long you are going to give yourself to get there.

By setting a date by which you will have achieved your goal you are putting yourself under some pressure and focusing your attention on achieving each step along the way in a timely manner.

By drawing up a timetable you can also track your progress, ticking off smaller milestones on the way, which acts as a great self-motivation boost. If necessary you can adjust the steps along the way. Likewise, agreeing to certain steps along your journey makes it harder for you to back out of doing them, especially if there are activities that you will have to do with someone, or thing that you have had to pay for in advance.

4. Find a Role Model
Whatever your goal is, it's likely that someone has done the same thing, or something very similar before. Find yourself a role model who has completed a similar goal to you and find out how they overcame difficult tasks, what they enjoyed or what they struggled with.

Role models don't have to be people who you already know; you could choose a celebrity or someone you've read about in your local paper. The important thing is making the connection in your mind that someone, a real person whose experiences you can relate to, has completed this task before you. Believing your task is achievable is an important step in self-motivation.

5. Get Support
No matter how prepared and how committed you feel you are toward reaching your goals, having someone that you can share the highs and lows you might encounter along the way can really help you. Having someone to support you means that you don't have to rely solely on self-motivation.

You could find a support group on the internet, you may find a few interesting blogs to follow, or you may find a group that you can join locally. Even better, if they are trying to achieve the same things as you then you can support and encourage each other to reach your shared vision.

This article is part of a two part series to see the second installment and get 5 more self-motivation tips to help you finish what you start click on the link today.

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